Overview and info for all possible workshops!

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Language: German or English

Groups: Workshops start at a minimum of 5 participants. Maximum capacity is 12 people.



Writing scientific papers

Learn how to create professional word documents with consistent design using format styles. Create table of contents and figures as well as a bibliography with automated reference.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: PC/Laptop, MS Office

Preparation: 1 day


Table calculations and responsive diagrams

Import data from different sources. Use intellegent tables to manage your data and create appealing diagrams and graphs.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: PC/Laptop, MS Office

Preparation: 2 days


Animated presentations and template creation

Eye catching presentations with animated elements and impressive slide transitions. Create custom templates with master slides to accomplish a consistent brand identity.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: PC/Laptop, MS Office

Preparation: 2 days



Beginners guide to prompting

Overview of the basic functionality of openAI's ChatGPT. Get the best out of ChatGPT by learning how to refine your prompt in an iterative approach.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: PC/Laptop

Preparation: 1 day


Your start-up coach

ChatGPT for start-ups and founder. Learn how to use ChatGPT as your personal assistant in every phase of your startup: from idea generation and market analysis to creating compelling business plans and marketing strategies.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: PC/Laptop

Preparation: 1 day

Stable Diffusion

Renderings with AI

Create breathtaking renders of your product with Stable Diffusion and Control.NET. Add custom scenery, differnt visual styles and textures to your product visualisation starting from a simple technical drawing of your 3D model.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: PC/Laptop, Automatic1111 WebUI

Preparation: 1 day

Stable Diffusion

Visual power through image generators

Learn how to use AI image generators to create creative visuals for your website, social media, presentations, and pitch decks. Use the visual power of AI to strengthen your branding and impress customers.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: PC/Laptop, Automatic1111 WebUI

Preparation: 1 day



Mechanical design

Machine components, mechanical assemblies and technical drawings.

Location: PC-Pool (Haus 12)

Resources: Autodesk Inventor

Preparation: 2 days


CAD allrounder

Basics of 3d-modelling, advanced 3d modelling features, fem and generative design.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: Autodesk Fusion360

Preparation: 2 days

TopSolid Wood

Furniture construction

Creation of furniture assemblies with an integrated toolbox for all common wood fabrication features. Generation of NC-Programms for Biesse RoverA4 in TopSolid CAM.

Location: Automatisierungslabor (Haus 12)

Resources: TopSolid Wood

Preparation: 3 days

Rhinoceros 3D

Level 1 - Basics

Get to know a intuitive 3d-modelling software by following the official training documents for level 1.

Location: Automatisierungslabor (Haus 12)

Resources: Rhinoceros 3D

Preparation: 1 day

Rhinoceros 3D

Level 2 - Advanced freeform surfaces

Learn powerfull surface modelling tools and the fundamentals of NURBS-geometry by following the official training documents for level 2.

Location: Automatisierungslabor (Haus 12)

Resources: Rhinoceros 3D

Preparation: 1 day


Introduction to parametric design

Rhinoceros PlugIn for visual programming. Interface between Rhino and Grasshopper. Create parametric definitions to generate patterns and automated assemblies.

Location: Automatisierungslabor (Haus 12)

Resources: Rhinoceros 3D

Preparation: 1 day


Generative design methodology

Overview of contemporary design paradigms: discrete elements, cellular automatons, evolutionary solver, agent based systems and physics engines. Create powerfull algorithms by expanding your parametric definitions with an iterative ingredient.

Location: Automatisierungslabor (Haus 12)

Resources: Rhinoceros 3D

Preparation: 1 day



Rapid prototyping

Basics of mesh modelling and mesh editing. Presentation of online 3D-model libraries. Slicer and slicing parameters.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: Flashforge and Creality 3D-Printer

Preparation: 2 days


Wood cutting and engraving

Theory of laser processing and laser cutting devices. Preparation of laser cutting files with mulltiple layers. Image processing for laser engraving.

Location: Technikum (Haus 12)

Resources: CO2-Laser

Preparation: 2 days


Workshop Oriented Programming

Fabrication of a corpus style furniture with industrial wood working machines from Biesse (panel saw, edge bander, cnc). Using low level nc-programming environment (NC-Hops). Nesting with the saw's integrated cutting optimization.

Location: Technikum (Haus 12)

Resources: NC-Hop, Biesse RoverA4, Akron, Selco

Preparation: 3 days


Computer Aided Manufacturing

All you need to know about creating your first NC-Programm. Tool-Selection, differnet fabrication cycles (finishing, roughing) and basic understanding of all machine features.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: Fusion360, High-Z

Preparation: 2 days


Simultaneous milling with multiple axes

Advanced cnc-milling workshop to fabricate complex freeform surfaces using EdgeCAM's multi-axis machining cycles.

Location: Technikum (Haus 12)

Resources: EdgeCAM, Reichenbacher Vision

Preparation: 3 days

Industrial Robot Programming

On-& offline programmming of a robotic arm

Learn how to control an industrial robot from kuka. Create simple robot programs through online teaching. Make complex robot programms in the offline programming environment kukaPRC within Rhionoceros3D. Get an overview of different robot use cases (milling, hotwire-cutting, pick&place).

Location: Technikum (Haus 12)

Resources: Rhinoceros 3D, kukaPRC, kuka Quantec

Preparation: 3 days


Augmented reality in fabrication

Explore different use cases for augmented reality through the fabrication of a freeform Zollinger wood construction. Formfinding and design with real size feedback and 3D-model interaction. Simulation of the robot programm in AR. Tracking of AR-Environment and hand gestures. AR-assisted assembly with aruco markers.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: MS Hololens V2, Rhinoceros 3D, Fologram, kuka Quantec

Preparation: 2 days

Desk Organizer

Resource planing for product development

Focusing more on the work preperation and resource planning this workshop gives you an overview of all the steps and machines needed to create a first prototype. Fabricating a customizeable desk organizer you run through four stages: 3D-modelling (CAD), nc-code generation (CAM), fabrication (CNC-Milling) and cost calculation.

Location: Technikum (Haus 12)

Resources: Rhinocers 3D, Excel, Reichenbacher Vision

Preparation: 2 days



Crash course

Getting started with the most popular programming language. Learn the basics of scripting: variables and objects, conditions, loops, lists, gui and libraries.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: PC/Laptop, Python IDE

Preparation: 1 day

Keras & Tensorflow

Machine learning frameworks

Beginner friendly introduction to machine learning and artificial intelligence using the keras&tensorflow framework for python. Overview of the ml terminology and data structure. Python knowledge is required. Programming of renowned ai examples like ocr.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: PC/Laptop, Python IDE

Preparation: 2 days

HTML, CSS & Javscript

Responsive web design

Creating a simple landing page you learn how to use html to structure your webpage, designing a responsive layout and adding basic functionality.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: PC/Laptop, Visual Code

Preparation: 1 day


Windows (forms-) applications

Basics of scripting in C#. Using Visual Studio to create a windows forms application. Possibility to look into advanced programming methods like multi-threading

Location: StartupLab

Resources: PC/Laptop, Visual Studio

Preparation: 3 days


Plugin development for Rhino

Creating custom grasshopper plugins for processing of geometry and advanced pattern generation.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: PC/Laptop, Visual Studio, Rhinoceros 3D

Preparation: 3 days

Raspberry Pi & Arduino

Microcontroller basics

This workshop shows you how to setup your preferred microcontroller and create small programs to interact with sensors and actors.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: PC/Laptop, Arduino IDE

Preparation: 3 days



Photogrammetry and structured light scanning

Create high detailed 3D-Scans with the lab's handheld scanner or with your preferred camera using photgrammetry. Learn how to work with huge point clouds and mesh creation.

Location: StartupLab

Resources: Agisoft Metashape, Artec Evo Handscanner

Preparation: 3 days

Drone Pilot

Flight lessons

Try out the lab's drone in this small fun workshop. And explore the possibilities of in flight video capturing in your first flight lesson.

Location: Technikum (Haus 12)

Resources: DJI Mavic 3 CINE

Preparation: 1 day